Join Us


First: The prospective member should carefully read and understand our introductory documents, What We Believe and the more extensive What is the National Alliance?

Eligibility: Any White person (a non-Jewish person of wholly European ancestry) of good character and at least 18 years of age who accepts as his own the goals of the National Alliance and who is willing to support the program described in What is the National Alliance? may apply for membership.

Ineligible persons: No transsexual, homosexual, or bisexual person, no person actively addicted to alcohol or to an illegal drug, no person with a non-White spouse or a non-White dependent, and, except in extraordinary circumstances, no person currently confined in a penal institution may be a member. (The National Alliance does not advocate any illegal activity and expects its members to conduct themselves accordingly.)

Application procedure: Any eligible person who wishes to become a member of the National Alliance should fill in completely the application and mail it, along with the $25 application fee and his first month’s dues, to the address on the form. A new member will receive a membership pin, a Membership Handbook, and each issue when published of the National Alliance’s internal membership newsletter. (Dues payments are voluntary donations in support of the National Alliance’s work. They are not payments for goods or services rendered to the member.)

Anonymity: The anonymity of members is protected scrupulously; as a general policy, no member’s name will be publicized or revealed to any other person without the member’s explicit consent. Beyond this, a membership applicant who is concerned that his or her welfare, security, or effectiveness as a member might be jeopardized if there were any possibility at all that his or her membership in the National Alliance were revealed may, if he wishes, hold membership under a nom de guerre. Such an applicant should write to the Chairman stating his intention to use his nom de guerre on his application form and on all his correspondence about National Alliance matters. His membership card will be issued with that name on it, and he will receive all his mailings from the National Alliance addressed to that name. No records with his true name will be retained. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that mail addressed to his nom de guerre will be delivered to him by the postal service and to take all other measures required to protect his anonymity, such as paying his dues with cash or money orders instead of personal checks. The National Alliance does not recommend that an applicant use a nom de guerre without a sound reason for doing so. It will not look favorably on any applicant who selects a frivolous nom de guerre.

Supporter category: Those who, because of personal circumstances, wish to support the Alliance’s efforts without joining may do so by following the procedure below. Supporters will also receive our internal newsletter.

Become a member:

Download and print a membership application, fill it out, and then mail it to:

National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683 USA. (online application form coming soon)

Become a supporter:

Simply fill out our online donation form — or, for those who prefer to use cash via the postal service, just download and print our supporter’s form, fill it out, and then mail it to the above address.